- Trade Sanctions Against Russia: Stylized Facts (with Konstantin Egorov, Vasily Korovkin, and Dzhamilya Nigmatulina), AEA Papers & Proceedings, forthcoming [SSRN]
- The Political Legacy of Nazi Annexation (with Mario Cannella and Ricardo Pique), Economic Journal, July 2024, 134, Pages 1721–1759 [Journal] [SSRN]
- Social Media as an Identity Barometer: Evidence From the Russia-Ukraine War (with Serhii Abramenko and Vasily Korovkin), AEA Papers & Proceedings, May 2024, 114, Pages 70-74 [PDF] [Journal] [SSRN]
- Conflict and Inter-Group Trade: Evidence from the 2014 Russia-Ukraine Crisis (with Vasily Korovkin), American Economic Review, January 2023, 113(1), Pages 34-70 [PDF] [Online Appendix] [Journal] [SSRN]
- Social Media and Mental Health (with Luca Braghieri and Ro’ee Levy), American Economic Review, November 2022, 112(11), Pages 3660-3693 [PDF] [Online Appendix] [Journal] [SSRN]
- Media coverage: Financial Times, The Guardian (1,2,3), New York Times (1, 2), NPR (1, 2, 3), Scientific American, Psychology Today, The Atlantic, MIT Sloan Ideas Made to Matter, Econs.Online, and others
- Media appearances and popular writing: Freakonomics MD, NPR, MIT News, The Sunday Show Podcast by Tech Policy Press, VoxEU, Science News, MIT Technology Review (Brazil)
- Policy mentions: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Social Media
and Youth Mental Health, American Psychological Association Monitor on Psychology, Economic Report of the President
- Econometric Society European Meetings (ESEM) Best Paper Award 2022
- Divided We Stay Home: Social Distancing and Ethnic Diversity (with Georgy Egorov, Ruben Enikolopov, and Maria Petrova), Journal of Public Economics, February 2021, Vol. 194 [PDF] [Journal] [NBER WP] [CEPR DP] [SSRN]
- Social Media and Protest Participation: Evidence from Russia (with Ruben Enikolopov and Maria Petrova), Econometrica, July 2020, Vol. 88, No. 4, Pages 1479-1514 [PDF] [Typeset Appendix] [Online Appendix] [Online Corrigendum] [Journal] [SSRN]
- National or Sub-National Parties: Does Party Geographic Scope Matter? (with Ricardo Pique and Fernando Aragon), Journal of Development Economics, September 2020, Vol. 146 [PDF] [Journal] [SSRN]
- Can Online Off-The-Shelf Lessons Improve Student Outcomes? Evidence from a Field Experiment (with Kirabo Jackson), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, August 2018, Vol. 10, No. 3, Pages 226-254 [PDF]
[Working Paper]
- Reducing Bureaucratic Corruption: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on What Works (with Jordan Gans-Morse, Mariana Borges, Theresa Mannah-Blankson, Andre Nickow, and Dong Zhang), World Development, May 2018, Vol. 105, Pages 171-188 [PDF] [Journal] [SSRN]
Working Papers
- The Impact of Dating Apps on Young Adults: Evidence From Tinder (with Berkeren Buyukeren and Heyu Xiong) [SSRN], revised and resubmitted to the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
- Social Image, Networks, and Protest Participation (with Ruben Enikolopov, Maria Petrova, and Leonid Polishchuk) [SSRN], conditionally accepted at the Journal of Politics
- Supply Chain Disruption and Reorganization: Theory and Evidence from Ukraine’s War (with Vasily Korovkin and Yuhei Miyauchi) [PDF] [SSRN]
- The War of Ideas: Institutions and Global Media Bias (with Sibo Liu, Jinfeng Wu, and Dong Zhang) [SSRN]
- Affinity, Trust, and Information (with Luigi Guiso) [SSRN]
- Production Networks and War: Evidence from Ukraine (with Vasily Korovkin) [SSRN] [CEPR DP]
Selected Work in Progress
- Trade Sanctions (with Konstantin Egorov, Vasily Korovkin, and Dzhamilya Nigmatulina)
- The Political Economic Determinants of Nuclear Power Investment: Evidence from Chernobyl (with Nancy Qian and Shaoda Wang)
- Conflict and Nation-Building: The Case of the 2014 Russia-Ukraine War (with Serhii Abramenko and Vasily Korovkin), slides available upon request